Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tuco takes Houston

Hey 'y'all', I'm Tuco the duck. Not to be confused with the Mexican drug lord, he's dead.  I'm new to this blogging thing and you'll have to excuse my slow posting... I don't have hands. Since I'm typing with a bill, I'll keep this short and sweet. I was born at the Chancellor Hotel in San Francisco and spent a good majority of my life there with my 37 brothers and sisters. I was recently transferred to "H-town" ( that's what the kids are calling it) and was anticipating a big clusterduck of people and oil refineries. But I'll tell you what, I was mistaken! I've come to find out that Houston is filled with a ton of quacktastic restaurants and things to do around town. I hope my blog helps anyone visiting or who resides here realize that Houston really is a pretty ducking fun town.  

Here's a few pix from my old party days in SF. 


The Buena Vista makes Irish coffees so good they'll have you foaming at the mouth!

Just a typical Tuesday night in Union Square. 

Nothing ruffles my feathers more then spending Halloween at Asia SF. What duck doesn't like an Asian tranny drag show with a three course dinner?I got the lamb. 

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